- Websites and applications that let you contribute your own
material are referred to as social media.
- For many teens, social media plays a significant role in their
everyday lives.
- What size? An indication comes from a 2022 study of 13 to
- According to the survey, which received roughly 1,300
responses, 35% of teenagers use at least one of the five social media
platforms more frequently than several times per day. Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok are the five social media networks.
- Not every teenager is impacted by social media in the same way.
Social media use has both advantages and disadvantages. The impact of
social media on mental health depends on factors like:
1. What a teen sees and does online.
2. The amount of time spent online.
3. Psychological factors, such as maturity level
and any preexisting mental health conditions.
Positive Impacts:
- Creating
Online Personas and Networks: Through social media, youth may interact
with like-minded individuals and express themselves.
- Improving
Relationships and Communication: Regardless of distance, it facilitates
simple communication and builds relationships.
- Educational
Opportunities: Outside of typical classroom settings, social media offers
access to educational resources.
- Support
for Mental Health: Online communities provide a secure setting for people
to ask for help and exchange stories about mental health.
- Encouragement
of Creativity and Self-Expression: Platforms support self-expression
across a range of artistic mediums.
- Cultural
interchange: By bringing people together from different origins, it
promotes understanding and interchange of cultures.
- Support
and Empowerment: By offering tools and support systems, social media can
give people a sense of empowerment.
- Political
Engagement: It gives voice to issues and promotes political dialogue,
which inspires young people to get involved in their communities.
- Recreation
and Entertainment: It provides a variety of entertainment options to suit
a range of interests.
Negative Impacts:
Cyberbullying and Harmful
Influences: The anonymity of the internet can result in both exposure to
harmful influences and cyberbullying.
Addiction and Health Problems:
Overuse of social media can have a detrimental effect on one's physical and
mental well-being in addition to causing addiction.
Privacy Violations and Data
Misuse: There are worries over privacy violations and the improper use of
personal information by social media businesses.
Misinformation and Filter
Bubbles: Misinformation can proliferate on social media, forming echo chambers
that impede critical thought.
Effect on Mental Health and
Well-Being: It has been connected to a number of mental health conditions,
including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
Distraction from
Responsibilities: People who use social media may find themselves diverted from
crucial tasks and obligations.
Spread of Rumours and Personal
Information: It can be used to disseminate untrue information and divulge an
excessive amount of personal data, endangering privacy and safety.
Impact on Emotional Development and Empathy:
- Exposure
to idealised lives: A lifetime of well-chosen and frequently idealised
social media content can make young people feel inadequate in light of
others' seemingly flawless lives.
- Aggressive
online discourse: Engaging in or being exposed to unpleasant or aggressive
interactions online can desensitise people to empathy and understanding,
which may result in a reduction in their capacity to relate to the
feelings of others.
- Comparison
and low self-esteem: People who regularly consume polished and filtered
content may experience self-esteem problems and feelings of inadequacy
when they contrast their own lives with the idealised lives that are shown
on social media.
- Online
validation seeking: Relying on social media to feel validated and approved
can lead to a dependency on outside affirmation, which can have an impact
on one's emotional health and sense of value because one may feel
inadequate in the absence of continuous validation from others.
Educational Impacts:
- worldwide
collaboration opportunities: People can interact with peers, teachers, and
experts from around the world through social media platforms, which
promote worldwide cooperation and knowledge-sharing.
- Tailored
learning experiences: People can customise their learning experiences to
fit their unique interests and learning preferences by having access to a
wide variety of educational information and tools on social media.
- Distractions
and disinformation: Although social media can improve learning, it also
offers users the chance to be exposed to misinformation and distractions,
so they must be careful to assess the content they consume.
Privacy Concerns:
- Data collection:
Users' personal information is gathered by social media platforms in large
quantities, which raises privacy concerns and the possibility of corporate
misuse of this data.
- Security
breaches: Incidents of data leaks and security breaches on social media
platforms have brought attention to weaknesses in the safeguarding of
users' private data.
- Surveillance
and tracking: People may believe that social media businesses' use of
surveillance and tracking tools to target ads and content violates their
Parental and Regulatory Responses:
- Establishing
standards and keeping an eye on usage: To promote responsible and secure
online conduct, parents and other authorities can set regulations and keep
an eye on how their children use social media.
- Teaching
about online safety: Giving young people information and tools regarding
privacy and online safety enables them to use social media platforms
- Promoting
offline activities: Reducing reliance on social media and enhancing
general well-being can be achieved by striking a balance between online
and offline pursuits, interests, and interactions.
How to Address Social Media Addiction:
- Risk
education: Raising people's knowledge of the possible dangers and
detrimental effects of excessive social media use inspires them to develop
healthier online habits.
- Encouraging
digital literacy: People may use social media platforms wisely and
responsibly if they are taught media literacy and critical thinking
- Promoting
offline interests and activities: Promoting offline hobbies and activities
leads to a more well-rounded lifestyle and lessens the need for social
media validation and entertainment.
- Setting
healthy boundaries: A better connection with technology and social media
is encouraged by putting real-life interactions ahead of social media use
and by imposing restrictions on both.
- Seeking
professional assistance: Seeking professional assistance is essential for
recovery and wellbeing in cases of serious addiction or mental health
problems associated with social media use.
Young people's emotional, intellectual, and
social development are greatly impacted by social media, which presents both
opportunities and problems. We can guarantee a safer and more positive digital
environment for the younger generation to flourish in by addressing the
negative effects through legislation, education, and the promotion of healthy
digital habits.
Blog By-
Sumit Kalokhe
Fullstack web developer Intern